Al Mehtab Trading L.L.C

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Gums & Herbs

Nature's Bounty

Nature's Finest

Immerse yourself in the essence of nature with SSJ’s Gums and Herbs selection. From the robust bitterness of Gall Nuts to the natural sweetness of Licorice and the versatile applications of Arabic Gum, our collection brings you the purest expressions of these botanical wonders, elevating your culinary creations to new heights.

Nutrient Rich

Nutrition Facts

Explore the nutritional richness of SSJ’s Gums and Herbs. Gall Nuts offer unique compounds, Licorice brings natural sweetness, and Arabic Gum provides versatility. These botanical wonders add not only flavor but also potential health benefits to your culinary adventures. Discover the wholesome essence of nature in every bite.

Rich Heritage

Variety & Tradition

Embark on a sensory journey with SSJ’s Gums and Herbs collection. From the bitter notes of Gall Nuts to the sweet allure of Licorice and the versatile applications of Arabic Gum, our range celebrates nature’s finest offerings, adding depth and richness to your culinary adventures.

Gall Nuts

Discover the unique bitterness and versatility of SSJ’s Gall Nuts, often used in traditional medicine and natural dyeing. These nuts add depth to various culinary creations, showcasing their applications beyond their distinctive taste.


Indulge in the sweet, aromatic allure of SSJ’s Licorice. Renowned for its natural sweetness, this herb enhances flavors while offering potential health benefits, making it a delightful addition to both culinary and wellness pursuits.

Arabic Gum

Explore the applications of SSJ’s Arabic Gum, a natural resin exuded from Acacia trees. Known for its adhesive properties, it adds texture and thickness to products, making it a valuable in both traditional & modern applications.


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